Class 3: Bingo total and photos on the Website

Good Morning, apologies on the lack photos recently and update on the bingo total, I was struggling with technical issues. 
Firstly, thank you so much to everyone who came and supported the bingo evening. It was a brilliant night, made so by everyone who turned up and participated. We made £540 on the night and another £40 on refreshments at the Eisteddfod. Thank you to all the different people who contributed to its success. 
We will let you know how much we can decrease the trip payments by once we know how much the bus is going to cost. We also have our sponsor money for tomorrow to include. 
Good luck with the sponsored walk/run – I wish I could be there!
Also, I have managed to upload some photos from the year so far onto the Class 3 page on the website. You can click on the link here to go straight to the page. 
Miss John

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