NEW Update 9th July 2023 Final 2 weeks

I hope all is weel with you. Strange that we were closed on Friday, but I must say that the staff had an excellent ‘New Curriculum Wales’ training day with the other Llanfyllin Cluster schools. As you know, we are also closed tomorrow (Monday). This is to implement the training we had. Tomorrow we will be looking to create draft plans for the Autumn term and beyond.
Last 2-week calendar below
Tuesday 11th July
ALL pupils in classes 2 & 3 will be involved in the Area sports from 12pm onwards, parents are welcome. If it is called off due to rain then we will message you through our website and email, please feel free to telephone if you wish to check. We are hoping it can go ahead at it is so difficult to re-arrange for us, Ysgol Pontrobert and Ysgol Cwm Banwy. I will be discussing with their respective headteachers if the weather is bad.
Starting at 12pm at Ysgol Meifod for ball throw and then long jump.
We will then move to The King’s Head Field for the running events.
We will finish by 3:30pm as usual.
Everyone will be able to have school dinners as usual unless you want to send them with sandwiches.
Yellow polo shirt please for competing in with shorts or tracksuit bottoms.
Mrs Evans (our cook) wants you to know that school dinner will be the Monday menu 

  • Beef Grill in a Bap or Vegan Country Bake in a Bap, Herby diced Potatoes, Baked beans or Sweetcorn
  • Fresh Fruit or Chocolate Orange Sponge Cereal and Ice cream
Then it will continue as usual on Week 2 – Wednesday
Sports Club – Finished for this term
As we have moving up day on Thursday and a meeting with the new parents after it, there will NOT be Sports Club. There will not be one on the final Thursday either, due to other meetings.
School Trip
A whole school trip has been arranged to Powis Castle. This will look at the gardens in particular as part of our Gardens and Growing topic. We are delighted to tell you:
Cost = FREE
National Trust membership gives us free entry.
The Friends of Ysgol Meifod have decided to pay for the bus transport. 
School Reports
Your child’s report is currently being written and will be with you early next week. It is in a new format this year, which we hope you will like.
This is not an easy system for us to work, changing to Civica in the future will make it easier for us and you. 
There are some outstanding payments. We will resolve this on TUESDAY. Please check from WEDNESDAY 12th and clear any payments you need to by Tuesday 18th July – Thank you.
Latest news – Please check this email / School Website daily as there are few things we may be offered (to enhance your child’s learning) in these final 2 weeks which are great opportunities e.g. URDD visit on Friday to be confirmed


From: office (Meifod CP School) <;
Sent: 03 July 2023 18:08
To: office (Meifod CP School) <;
Subject: NEW Update 3rd July 2023
Here are a couple more updates:
Home School Heroes Homework
This homework was set before half-term. It has 6 parts and was due last Thursday. There are points for each team based on how many each team member completes, with the winner being announced on sports/leavers day. There is also a personal prize for those completing all 6. As the last three weeks have been so busy, and with so much happening each day, this is now due to be in / points added up, next TUESDAY 11th July by 9 am.  
Multi-cultural food Workshop tomorrow.
We have a list of allergies and will ensure those children do not have those foods.
If there are any others we are not aware of, then please email back here before 9am tomorrow.
Children will only try what they want to.
I have been informed by members of the community that there has been some parking on the zig zag lines outside school. Please do not park on these.
Please take care parking in the car parks and in the correct areas, not across anyone else or blocking any way for traffic to travel.
Thank you

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