News: Petition for school beat police officer continuation

As you may know, Ysgol Meifod is currently supported by this scheme where PC Gayle comes into all classes and delivers the following-

What is the Wales Police Schools Programme (WPSP)

The WPSP is an example of Partnership Working between the Welsh Government and the four Welsh Police Forces and consists of a series of Crime Prevention lesson deliveries and Supportive School Policing initiatives that aim to:

  • educate children and young people about the harm substance misuse can cause to their health, their families and the wider community
  • promote the principles of positive citizenship through the medium of education
  • achieve a reduction in the levels of crime and disorder within our young communities.

The WPSP provides a wrap-around service to schools in Wales offering crime prevention education and supportive policing services captured in the Programme’s strap line,

The Welsh Government have chosen to cut the funding for this vital service. If you would like to sign the petition to ask them to reconsider, please follow the link below. 
Petition: Continue to fund school police officers who educate children and support schools

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