Class 3: Last day
A lovely last day for class 3 today. We finished our audio book, played frisbee, and some indoor games! We …
A lovely last day for class 3 today. We finished our audio book, played frisbee, and some indoor games! We …
A great evening so far, rounders, water fighting, cricket. Dry off, park and our food delivery. Then marshmallows on the …
Thank you to the friends of the school for their lovely gifts to the year 6 leavers!!! Lowri John ALNCo\Teacher …
Dear Parents, Apologies for the late notice – it just occurred to me that we put this together in class …
Just to let you know that information about the evening and sleepover on the 16th July is on Parentpay. If you …
Class 3 had a visit from Chris Harper from HD Cymru to talk about the Wonderful World of water. They …
Good Morning, Apologies for the delay in confirming, we will be able to attend the cricket fun day tomorrow, Thursday …
Dear Parents, Cricket on Friday 14th June The pupils have ordered a packed lunch with Mrs Evans for Friday. Please …