Class 3: Dance and Well Being

Last week class 3 continued to immerse themselves into the world of the Hobbit. Miss John is immensely proud of all of the children reading to the class and dealing with the tricky language of Tolken. They are enjoying the different characters and the tension that is built throughout the book. 

Year 4,5 and 6 had a visit from Stephen Lloyd of CAHMs in-reach supporting the pupils of the 5 areas of well-being. Not surprising our pupils were able to show that they were already covering the areas, to connect, be active, take notice, keep learning and give. We will do further work on this is class 3 and Stephen will return again for a lesson on resilience. 

On Friday the class continued with their dance improvisation that they are putting together to Walking on Sunshine! Unfortunately, technology, let me down so I couldn’t upload the photos, yet!

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