Hedgehog Awareness Week

Ysgol Meifod are joining in with spreading the word about hedgehog awareness week from 5 – 11 May 2024 with The British Hedgehog Preservation Society.
There is a competition to design a poster promoting this Awareness Week which can be drawn, painted, made of collage, designed on a computer or something else.
Each poster must advertise the following:
Hedgehog Awareness Week: 5 – 11 May 2024
Our QR code (or a space for it)
All posters must be submitted by 22 April 2024 and the British Hedgehog Preservation Society will share them!
I realise this doesn’t allow much time for doing the posters, but if children would like to take part, they should be done at home and  can be scanned or emailed to 
info@britishhedgehogs.org.uk or posted to them at:
Hedgehog House, Dhustone, Ludlow, Shropshire SY8 3PL.
A hedgehog-themed prize will be awarded to the winner. 
Mrs Woolhouse
Class 2 Teacher

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