Update – Ysgol Meifod

just a quick update
1] Thursday sports club – NOT on this week as I now have a meeting at 4pm and Mrs Whilding is away in Bala with class 3.
2] Class 3 have arrived safely in Bala – They will return tomorrow around 3:45pm.
3] Friday is year 6 cycle training.
Next week – Super busy on Tuesday 
PE on WEDNESDAY 5th July (for next week)
4] Year 4 of class 2 will be going to Red Ridge (see year 4 parents’ email)
5] Photographs need to be ordered ASAP if anyone wants them.
Looking ahead
You are welcome to join us for Area Sports against Ysgol Pontrobert and Ysgol Cwm Banwy on Tuesday 11th. It starts on our school field with throwing and long jump at 12pm, then moves to the King’s Head field for the running races, relay, egg and spoon and water race.
As many of you need to be time off, our sports afternoon will be on Tuesday 18th July at 1pm. It will be in the village hall with each class taking a turn if wet. It will be followed by our leavers service.
Thank you

From: office (Meifod CP School) <office@Meifod.powys.sch.uk&gt;
Sent: 27 June 2023 08:51
To: office (Meifod CP School) <office@Meifod.powys.sch.uk&gt;
Subject: Ysgol Meifod Sports OFF
Unfortunately, due to the current rain and a range of forecasts predicting more, we have had to call today’s sports OFF.
The sports will now be at 1pm on Tuesday July 18th at 1pm followed by Leavers Service.

From: office (Meifod CP School) <office@Meifod.powys.sch.uk&gt;
Sent: 26 June 2023 20:02
To: office (Meifod CP School) <office@Meifod.powys.sch.uk&gt;
Subject: Ysgol Meifod Sports Latest (Tomorrow)
We are hoping to hold our sports tomorrow starting at 1pm so it is on.
We will post to this email and our website an update about 11am,  as the forecast is making it difficult.
Hopefully it will not be as forecasted.
Please assume it is on unless we tell you otherwise. 
Please telephone the school if you want to check 01938 500300.
Thank you

From: office (Meifod CP School) <office@Meifod.powys.sch.uk&gt;
Sent: 25 June 2023 11:56
To: office (Meifod CP School) <office@Meifod.powys.sch.uk&gt;
Subject: Ysgol Meifod Sports and this week reminder
Team colours attached – Yellows can wear their polo – We do have some spare colour T shirts if anyone needs one (please let us know tomorrow)
Tuesday 27th Sports – No reserve day on Thursday due to the Bala trip – this will be before the Leavers Assembly day (Tue 18th July) if needed
Wednesday (28th) & Thursday (29th) Class 3 Bala (Outdoor Education) Email today with final details for class 3 parents

Friday 30th Year 6 Cycle Proficiency

New Date – Trip to Powis Castle (Whole School) on Wednesday 19th July 
The only charge will be a small one for the bus about £4, due to us being National Trust members.

Thank you

From: office (Meifod CP School) <office@Meifod.powys.sch.uk&gt;
Sent: 22 June 2023 17:36
To: office (Meifod CP School) <office@Meifod.powys.sch.uk&gt;
Subject: Reminder: Ysgol Meifod Friday (Tomorrow) Sunday Lunch
office@meifod.powys.sch.uk” class=”x_x_x_x_ContentPasted0 x_x_x_x_w-229 x_x_x_x_h-461″ size=”29040″ style=”max-width:100%” data-outlook-trace=”F:5|T:5″ src=”https://meifod.powys.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/image-34.png”> 
Sunday is the fundraising lunch – see promise auction below.
Confirmed auction list for Sunday’s fundraising luncheon, if anybody would like to place commission bids, please contact Mrs Cath Pritchard.
office@meifod.powys.sch.uk” class=”x_x_x_x_ContentPasted1 x_x_x_x_w-639 x_x_x_x_h-679″ size=”143763″ style=”max-width:100%” data-outlook-trace=”F:5|T:5″ src=”https://meifod.powys.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/image-35.png”>

From: office (Meifod CP School) <office@Meifod.powys.sch.uk&gt;
Sent: 18 June 2023 18:49
To: office (Meifod CP School) <office@Meifod.powys.sch.uk&gt;
Subject: Extra diary: Reminder: Ysgol Meifod 18-6-23

Monday  19th 

Tuesday 20th 

Wednesday 21st 

Thursday 22nd

Friday 23rd 

9:30-11:30am class 1 PE

Mr Rhydian Jones 

3:30-4:30pm Sports Club 

open to all pupils

£1 each towards resources


Classes (not individual)

Year 6 leavers


FREE apple tasting

Tag Rugby at last break

Please wear uniform and bring a change of clothes for P.E.

PE day

From: office (Meifod CP School) <office@Meifod.powys.sch.uk&gt;
Sent: 18 June 2023 18:06
To: office (Meifod CP School) <office@Meifod.powys.sch.uk&gt;
Subject: Reminder: Ysgol Meifod 18-6-23
Good Afternoon,
I hope all is well. 
We had a GREAT trip to Erddig on Tuesday and many comments from other visitors commenting on haw well behaved and engaged the children were. 
A fantastic WELL DONE to Mrs Woolhouse, Mrs Bullough and class 2 for their bread, pizzas etc… on Friday. Also, thank you to everyone who came to support and staff for helping with other stalls. Details on our website, showing what a fantastic week they had and all their hard work.

Here are reminders for this week, but there is a change to the class 3 Bala Outdoor Education trip planned from this Wednesday and Thursday to the same days next week. This is due to unavoidable staffing changes at the centre. Class 3 parents have been informed.

Monday 19th 

Tuesday 20th 

Wednesday 14th 

Thursday 15th

Friday 16th 

9:30-11:30am class 1 PE

Mr Rhydian Jones 

3:30-4:30pm Sports Club 

open to all pupils

£1 each towards resources


Classes (not individual)

Year 6 leavers

Please wear uniform and bring a change of clothes for P.E.

PE day

Sunday 25th June is the Lunch at The Kings Head. Please speak to Mrs Cath Pritchard if you wish to book tickets.
Next week 
Tuesday 27th Sports – No reserve day on Thursday due to the Bala trip
Wednesday (28th) & Thursday (29th) Class 3 Bala (Outdoor Education)
Friday 30th Year 6 Cycle Proficiency

Please subscribe to our website if you have not already done so. You will see all the latest goings on.

Thank you

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